
Ookayama 2-12-1-NE-1,
Meguro-ku, Tokyo
152-8550, Japan
Room 701 (Prof.),
Room 702
(Associate Prof.),
Room 703 (Assistant Prof., Students)

TEL: +81-3-5734-
2240 (Room 701)
2239 (Room 702)
2759 (Room 703)
e-mail: ishitani@chem.,

Welcome to Ishitani Lab.

 Ishitani is currently a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and a specially appointed professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering at Hiroshima University. I will become a full-time faculty member at Hiroshima University in April 2024, where I will establish a new laboratory. The Ishitani Laboratory conducts research on the creation of novel photocatalytic and photofunctional materials and the discovery of new photoreactions. Our research focuses on organometallic complexes, which are at the core of our investigations.

 We begin by synthesizing and isolating new compounds based on our independently developed concepts and reactions. We then work to elucidate their physical properties and functionality in order to create novel photofunctional materials that have never existed before. In order to pioneer new chemistry, each laboratory member engages in daily "wrestling" with chemistry to pursue the compounds and physical properties they are aiming for. Additionally, we attend lectures and journal meetings regularly to absorb a wider range of scientific techniques and knowledge. We also focus on improving our communication and presentation skills through academic conference presentations.

 Since last year, foreign post-doctoral fellows and international students have joined our program, providing them with more opportunities to engage with English than ever before. Another important goal of the laboratory is to help students grow into "world-class scientists and engineers" through these research activities. Many students have joined our laboratory since its establishment at Tokyo Tech in 2002. One of the unique characteristics of the Ishitani Lab is the diversity of backgrounds among our students and researchers.

 Our group is now composed of 13 members, and all the members have various backgrounds, that is, graduation from different university, extensive interests or scientific fields. So, we are willing to accept foreign students and researchers as well. If you are interested in our group, please contact us;

Prof. Osamu ISHITANI
Ookayama 2-12-1-E1-9, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Department of Chemistry, School of science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
TEL: +81-3-5734-2240
e-mail:ishitani@chem. (+ "")