These are links related to Kouchi-Kitajima Laboratory.
We carried out experiments at Photon Factory, KEK(Tsukuba), as well as on campus.

Photon Factory(PF), Institute of Material Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

We take part in following academic community.

Kouchi-Kitajima Lab. belongs to Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Address ;
2-12-1 O-okayama (Bldg.West4), Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

Bldg. West4-508 (Prof. Kouchi), West4-503 (Asso. Prof. Kitajima), West4-506 (Dr.Odagiri, Students)

Access to O-okayama campus (Link in Tokyo Tech Web site)

Access to Bldg.West-4 (Link in Department of Chemistry Web site)

'07 Spring, Tokyo Tech, O-okayama Campus

We always welcome your contact and visit to our research group.
If you are interested to us, please feel free to visit our laboratry and contact any one of our members !