The Yamashita-Morimoto Group
@Tokyo Institute of Technology

English Japanese

2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
Department of Chemistry,
School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Access to Ookayama campus, campus map
East 1 Building, room 41, 44, 45

Our mission:
Through deep understanding the hidden properties of each element, we will contribute to chemistry of the materials and catalysis science!

(For former group members) Please register your contact information if you would change it.

If you would like to conduct research in our group, please visit this page.

internal webpage for group members

Old toppage pictures can be found here.

Group picture on the toppage is updated.
We had a Hanami at Senzokuike park as a welcome party for new members.
New fiscal year started. Shikata (administrative assistant), Yamanokuchi (M1), and Hirakawa (research student) joined the group. "Members" was updated.
Yamashita-Morimoto group was launched at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
All lab goods were carried into Tokyo Institute of Technology.
All lab goods were carried out from Nagoya University.
The graduation celemony was held. Four undergrad students (Ishihata, Kageyama, Hirose, Yasuda) and five master students (Uno, Kumada, Takeshima, Fujita, Funasoko) got their bachelor and master degree.
Prof. YAMASHITA, Dr. ZATSEPIN (PD), YAMANASHI (D3), YAN (D2), YAMAMOTO (D1), TANIZAWA (M1), and HIROSE (B4) presented their research on the 104th annual meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan. Prof. YAMASHITA was awarded "The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work for 2023"
A letter by Kumada (M2) was accepted to Chem. Lett. for publication. "Publications" is updated.
All undergrad students (Ishihata, Kageyama, Hirose, Yasuda) finished their graduation defences.
A communication by Feng (PD) was accepted to J. Am. Chem. Soc. for publication. "Publications" is updated.
Five master students (Uno, Kumada, Takeshima, Fujita, Funasoko) presented their research at the final defence for master's degree.
Prof. Yamashita gave an invited talk in the department seminar "Frontline of chemistry and biotechnology"
Yamanashi (D2), Yamamoto (D1), and Tanizawa (M1) presented their research at the annual meeting of Integrated Research Consortium on Chemical Science (IRCCS).
An article by Zatsepin (PD) was accepted to J. Am. Chem. Soc. for publication. "Publications" is updated.
Yamanashi (D2) presented his research at GTR Annual Meeting 2023. Yamanashi won a poster award.
Prof. Yamashita gave a plenary lecture at the 3rd Kanto Main-Group Element Chemistry Seminar (KaMECS-2024) held at Toyo University, Kawagoe campus.
JSPS announced Yamamoto (D1) will get JSPS fellowship (DC2) from April 2024 for two years. Congratulations!
The chemical society of Japan (CSJ) announced prof. Yamashita will be awarded "The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work for 2023"
JSPS announced Dr. ZATSEPIN Pavel (VBL researcher) will get JSPS postdoctoral fellowship from April 2024 for two years. Congratulations!
Prof. Yamashita gave an invited talk in the SSOCJ (Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan) Tokai-branch seminar, held at Nagoya Institute of Technology.
Yamanashi (D2) presented his research at the 50th Symposium on Main Group Element Chemistry at Saitama.
Uno (M2) and Prof. Yamashita presented their research on C&FC 2023 at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Zatsepin (PD), Feng (PD), Yamanashi (D2), YAN (D2), Paulus (visiting student), Yamamoto (D1), Uno (M2), Takeshima (M2), and Tanizawa (M1) presented their research on 2023 International IRCCS-ILR-IRTG Symposium.
An article about collaborative research with the group of Prof. Kazuya Yamaguchi was accepted to J. Japan Pet. Inst. for publication. "Publications" is updated.
An article by former students, Kurumada and Sugita, and Yamanashi (D2) was accepted to Chem. Eur. J. for publication. "Publications" is updated. This paper is based on collaboration with Profs. Ito and Kubota (Hokkaido U), Dr. Ikemoto, Mr. Chen, Mr. Moriyama, Profs. Muratsugu and Tada (Nagoya U), Prof. Koitaya (Kyoto U), and Prof. Ozaki (U-Tokyo). We appreciate all these collaborators.
Prof. Yamashita taught a short course for main group chemistry in Graduate School of Art and Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
Prof. Morimoto gave a lecture in The 1st Congress of MA-T Society, Japan.
Uno (M2 student) presented his research at the 56th Symposium on Oxidation Reaction.
We had a joint seminar and mixer with Tada group (Sch. of Sci.).
Dr. Anis Tlili (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France) visited our lab. and gave a lecture. Some of grad students and staff members had a discussion about their research with Dr. Tlili.
Prof. Yamashita gave an invited lecture at XXIII International Conference on Organic Synthesis (23-ICOS).
We had a welcome party for Fritz. "Photo" is updated.
Fritz PAULUS (U of Münster, Glorius group) joined our group as a visiting graduate student from Germany. "Members" is updated.

Past news